Full Guidelines can be viewed on the Classical Commissioning web page.

Applications due Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:59 PM ET

Chamber Music America’s Classical Commissioning Program provides grants to professional U.S.-based presenters and ensembles whose programming includes Western European and/or non-Western classical and contemporary music. Grants are provided for the commissioning and performance of new works by American composers. The program supports works scored for 2–10 musicians performing one per part, composed in any of the musical styles associated with contemporary classical music.

  Chamber Music America encourages commissions by emerging and mid-career composers.

The Classical Commissioning program is funded by Chamber Music America, with additional program support provided by the Aaron Copland Fund for Music, the Amphion Foundation, the Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University, and the CMA Endowment Fund


  • All applications must be completed and submitted by the deadline using the online system. 
  • The composer must be confirmed at the time application.
  • The primary contact serves as the main contact for the application and the grant if funded.    

DEADLINE: March 6, 2025, 11:59 PM ET 

Program Support: For more info contact: Susan Dadian, Director of Artistic Planning, sdadian@chambermusicamerica.org

Membership: Membership Services

Technical Support: Submittable Help – For Submitters | Submittable

Sign up for office hours on our calendar.

Deadline: Thursday, February 27, 2025, 11:59 PM ET
Notification: June 2025

Grant Period: July 2025-June 2028  

A component of the Doris Duke Jazz Ensembles Project, New Jazz Works is funded by the Doris Duke Foundation. 

Since 2000, Chamber Music America has awarded over 300 original jazz works grants. The New Jazz Works program provides grants to jazz ensembles based in the U.S., its territories, and Indian country supporting the creation, performance, and recording of new jazz works. The new work may be composed by the ensemble leader or a member of the ensemble/collective.

The Board of Directors of Chamber Music America has made diversity, inclusion, and equity a primary focus of the organization’s work. CMA’s goal in this program is, through the panel review process, to arrive at a final slate of grantees that is representative of the field. 

Full Guidelines can be found here: New Jazz Works Guidelines.

Program Support: José R. Feliciano | Director of Grant Programs–jfeliciano@chambermusicamerica.org and Adriana Vergara | Grant Programs Associate- avergara@chambermusicamerica.org

Technical Support: Submittable Help - For Submitters | Submittable

Application Deadline: February 27, 2024, 11:59 PM ET

Late submissions are not accepted. Incomplete applications are ineligible. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications 24 hours in advance of the deadline to avoid any last-minute complications.

Deadline: February 20, 2025, 11:59 PM ET
Grant Notification: April 2025

Grant Period: April 1, 2025-September 30, 2026

A component of the Doris Duke Jazz Ensembles Project, Performance Plus program is funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

Chamber Music America’s Performance Plus program recognizes the contributions and diversity of perspectives that U.S.-based gender minorities and women bring to the field of jazz. The program provides grants to U.S.-based gender minority and women-led jazz ensembles to engage an experienced jazz coach for six coaching sessions with the goal of further developing the ensemble’s performance. The coaching sessions will culminate in a recording session resulting in a high-quality demo for use by the jazz ensemble.

To submit an application

  • Go to https://cma.submittable.com and click on “Performance Plus.”
  • Complete all required fields, including text boxes, the Funding Request, and Audio Sample information.
  • Prepare your audio samples and MOU attachment.
  • Save audio files as: Ensemble Name-Audio 1 and Ensemble Name-Audio 2; acceptable file types: mp3, m4a.
  • Upload the audio files and MOU to the application.
  • When complete, sign and date your application.
  • Click “Submit” to send application to CMA; you will receive a confirmation email.

José R. Feliciano, Director of Grant Programs
    Technical: Submittable Help Center

Chamber Music America